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Peak Mountain 3

Roanoke Point Boulder



With an approach of 1.5 miles, this boulder is a long walk from the parking area. Is is worth it? That's for you to determine! A decent sized block offering roughly 6 distinct lines with the possibility for more variations. While most of the climbs are in the v0-v3 range, there is the possibliity for a lower start to both 'Turd Bird' and 'Turtle Head', which ups the difficulty considerably. Unlike the other beach boulders at Roanoke Avenue, this boulder can be climbed during all but the highest of tides. What really stands out about Roanoke Point is the pristine and remote feel. This section of beach and the bluffs/land above are one of the least developed stretches of coastline on Long Island and during the late Fall to early Spring, it's unlikely you will see another person on this stretch of beach. The tall bluffs lining this section contain some of prettiest and best preserved stands of beech forest that I've seen on Long Island. I would argue that this boulder is worth checking out for the scenery alone, but the climbing is pretty fun too. A nice bonus is that since all of the climbs feature sandy landings, you don't even need to bring a pad out if you want to lighten your load for the hike.You can also get some more climbing in by hiking to the Penny's Road Boulder, which allows you to take even more of this beautiful coastline in and increases the climbing opportunities.



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