HomeUSAVirginiaSouthwest Virginia (Appalachia)McAfee's KnobCorridor & Beyond, TheZoloft Boulder<Dry MouthV3>TremorV6Edit modeFrequent ImpotenceV4boulderingFA ??CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionStart low and to the left of "Tremor" on a left facing jug and right hand crimp. Climb straight up to dominate the massive jug over the lip. top out.LocationZoloftProtectionpadRoutes in Zoloft Boulder1Empty HandedV6Bouldering2Tremor DirectV6Bouldering3AnxietyV0Bouldering4Side-Effect LinkupV4Bouldering5Dry MouthV3Bouldering6Frequent ImpotenceV4Bouldering 7TremorV6Bouldering8Decreased Sex DriveV1Bouldering