HomeUSAPennsylvaniaSoutheastern LowlandsPhillyWissahickon Valley ParkLivezey RockVital Juices>Unnamed5.9Edit modeMayday5.12 PGtrboulderingFA Toprope: ?, 1980s Boulder: Colby Barth, Spring 1999CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThe V6 is called Mayday, climbed mid-90's by Colby Barth. climbs the sit, from the far left, follows a seam up and right. (thanks Matt S.)Rated 5.13 and V7 on this route's first ascents on toprope (1980s) and unroped (1999), it now generally rated 5.12/.12+ and V5+/V6-.ProtectionToprope on with gear/trees, or bouldering precautions.Routes in Vital Juices1Mayday5.12Tr · Bouldering 2Unnamed5.9Bouldering