HomeUSAArizonaSouthern ArizonaTucson Area BoulderingPanther PeakSplit Boulder<Cig MachineV7>Cobblestone CorridorV1Edit modeDisasterpiece TheaterV1boulderingFA Joe KreidelCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSit start and climb cobbled arete/prow. A striking line, but kinda chossy. Topout a bit to the right of the prow.LocationEast arete/prow on the south face of Split Rock, 20 or so feet right of Cig Machine.ProtectionPads and a spotterRoutes in Split Boulder1Pumpin the BreaksV2Bouldering2Long Way HomeV1Bouldering3Fair TradeV3Bouldering4Cig MachineV7Bouldering5Disasterpiece TheaterV1Bouldering 6Cobblestone CorridorV1Bouldering