HomeUSANew Hampshire*Whitehorse Ledge5. Children's Crusade Wall>Dress Left5.115.11ctradFA. P. Ross, F. Dean, M. Bowin 9/19/71 FFA 1,2,3 & 5 Doug Madara & Mark Richey 1978 4 & 6 P. Boissenault & F. Modugno 10/82CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionProtectionRoutes in 5. Children's Crusade Wall1The Eliminate5.11cTrad 2Dress Left5.11Trad3Problem Child5.11Trad4Total Recall5.11bTrad5Children's Crusade5.11aTrad6Noble Intentions5.10cTrad7Reign of Fire5.9Trad8Reign of Dykes5.11a/bTrad9[Redacted]5.11aTrad10Boy's Brigade5.9Trad11Beelzebub Corner, The5.4Trad