HomeUSAWashingtonNorthwest RegionSan Juan, Fidalgo & Whidbey IslandsMount ErieSummit AreaLookout Wall<Gladiator5.10a>Vertigo5.4Edit modeThe Beginning5.7tradtrFA Seman and Wentzel, 1970CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThis climb is missing some beta. Turn on Edit mode and help us improve this page.LocationThe first obvious trad line right of the main buttress of Lookout Wall.ProtectionSmallish rack to 3". Double bolt anchor up and left (shared with Lightning Waltz) for rappel or walk off to rightRoutes in (b) Lookout Wall1Beane's Blast5.9+Sport2Cat With No Tail5.10+Sport3Bomb Blast Lightning Waltz5.11c/dSport4Lightning Waltz5.10aSport5Gladiator5.10aSport6The Beginning5.7Trad · Tr 7Vertigo5.4Trad8PTSD5.9Sport