Blood Moon

FA Paul Roberts (first documented)
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Blood Moon is the biggest link up of climbs in Groom Creek. Making for an instant classic power endurance problem. Blood Moon starts sitting in the cave of Moonlighting V8, do this route but instead of heading right and topping out, move out of the cave left and traverse the dirty rail into Full Moon V8. From here catch a shake and move into Moonstone V6/7 and finish as for moonstone. In total there are about 28-32 moves on this beast.

This rail is constantly dirty, for repeats of the line cleaning is mandatory to find the holds.


Start in the cave of Moonlighting do this route but exit left traverse into moonstone and finish moonstone.


2-3 pads once you dial in the rail. The landing on the traverse is ugly and is ideally a no fall zone.