HomeUSAColoradoEstes Park ValleyCO Hwy 7 & TributariesCrags, TheUpper Great Face, The<The Hotness5.11>A Few Moments of Pleasure5.7+5.10b/c RtradsportFA Paul Foster, Bob Jasperson, Bernard GillettCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionProtectionRoutes in The Upper Great Face1The Golden Staircase, pitches 12, 13, 145.9+Trad2Wiffle Ball Bat5.11-Sport3Paul's Boutique5.10+Trad · Sport4Brass Junkie5.10+Trad · Sport5The Big Steep5.10Trad6The Hotness5.11Sport7The Golden Monkey5.10b/cTrad · Sport 8A Few Moments of Pleasure5.7+Trad9Forgotten Pulse5.9+Trad