HomeUSAUtahWasatch RangeNorthern WasatchCache ValleyGreen CanyonGreen Canyon BoulderingCaveGreen Cave<Fully EmancipatedV11-12>The FurnaceV5-Edit modeThe EmancipatedV9boulderingFA Casey PoulsonCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThe sit start to the Furnace. Start on undercling fingerpinch and gaston. Move to the shark tooth razor-crimp and continue through all the way to the starting jug on the Furnace. Extremely powerful and gnarly sequence. Finish on the thuggy jugs of Furnace and top out.LocationMain cave. Sit start down and slightly left of Furnace on the feature.ProtectionPadsRoutes in Green Cave1Chain GameV2-Bouldering2The GinV0Bouldering3Thought SarcasmV0Bouldering4The KilnV2Bouldering5Fully EmancipatedV11-12Bouldering6The EmancipatedV9Bouldering 7The FurnaceV5-Bouldering8The ProclamationV8-9Bouldering9Easy Way OutV1Bouldering10NothingV0Bouldering11The UprisingV2-Bouldering12The Uprising - Sit Start VariationV2Bouldering13UnbrokenV1Bouldering