HomeUSAWyomingLander AreaWild IrisMain Wall, The Cowboy Poetry<Cowboy Poetry5.12b>Buffalo Soldier5.10bEdit modeTake Your Hat Off5.10bsportFA BadaraccoCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSuper fun with huge juggy pockets on vertical to slightly overhanging stone. The stone is completely bulletproof white limestone, and the setting is as pretty as you could hope for.Lots of Sun! Bring the sunscreen.Pretty easy for the grade. There is some trickiness down near the bottom but after that it is one jug after the other. A genuinely classic 10- sport outing.LocationJust right of Cowboy PoetryProtection8 bolts to Clip-n-Lower anchorsRoutes in G. Cowboy Poetry1The Devil Wears Latex5.10b/cSport2Even Cowgirls Get the Blues5.11aSport3Testosterone Alfresco5.10dSport4Sleeping Thunder5.12aSport5Cowboy Gibberish5.11bSport6Cowboy Poetry5.12bSport7Take Your Hat Off5.10bSport 8Buffalo Soldier5.10bSport9Cowboys Don't Shoot Straight5.10dSport10Ambush in the Night5.11bSport11Princess and the Playmate5.10bSport12Slapping Leather5.11bSport13Honed on the Range5.11cSport14SideWinder5.4Sport15How The West Was Won5.10cSport16Ella's Pony Ride5.4Sport17Burnin' Daylight5.5Sport18Drove Hard and Put Up Quick5.7Sport19Alaskan Tanning Booth5.7Sport