HomeUSAIdahoSouth IdahoCastle RocksCastle RocksHostess Gully - West Corridor<Patina Atoll5.11a>Country Western Ballad5.11cEdit modeSouthern Rock Opera5.11dtradFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionAn amazing splitter crack on the upper headwall, hard to miss walking up.Climb the crack, build and anchor then rap a route in the hostess gully or walk off and downclimb into the Crack House.LocationThis is the obvious right to left arching crack that splits the upper headwall above Patina Atoll.3rd classing up the gully below Numbshall and El Castleton seems a good way to approach.ProtectionFinger sized pieces are important blue tcu size to .5 camalot.Anchor could be bigger pieces 3 or 4 camalot, or nuts and medium cams in a spot higher with more rope drag.Routes in Hostess Gully - West Corridor1Three Bits5.9Sport2Honeymoon in Almo5.11aSport3Blind Pig5.10aSport4Between Heaven and Earth5.9Sport5It Takes Two5.8Sport6Piece of Cake5.7Trad7Hot Sticky Bun (P1)5.10aSport8One for Matt5.9+Trad9Ho Ho5.11aSport10Twinkie5.10cTrad11Earth Muffin5.10c/dSport12Zinger5.8Sport13Fruit Pie5.8Sport14Cup Cake5.7Sport15Fruit Filling5.10cTrad16Patina Atoll5.11aTrad · Sport17Southern Rock Opera5.11dTrad 18Country Western Ballad5.11cSport19Unknown5.9+Trad20Get Your Fixe5.7Sport2113b5.9Sport22Das Boot5.9Trad23El Castleton5.10aTrad24Slab Happy5.9Sport25Numbshull5.10aTrad · Sport26Red Rib5.10aSport