HomeUSAAlaskaAnchorage & South Central AlaskaSeward HighwayParty World<My Little Piggy5.10dEdit modeAge Before Beauty5.11atradFA Alan Julliard, Paul BerryhillCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionThis climb consists of one bolt on a vertical slab above some ledges. There are also two bolts to the left of this route. All the hangers appear to go nowhere as the upper face has fallen off. I would not recommend these routes to anyone.LOCATION Age Before Beauty was located on the south end of Party Wall.Protection1 bolt, small trad gear, no anchorRoutes in Party World1Lib's Special5.8Trad · Sport2Main Street5.9Sport3Boltergeist5.10aSport4TKFP5.10aSport5Project 5.13+5.13+Sport6Unknown 15.12b/cSport7Gain-A-Turn5.12aSport8Gerard McDonnel Memorial5.10cSport9Urban Blight5.8Sport10My Little Piggy5.10dTrad · Sport11Age Before Beauty5.11aTrad