HomeUSAPennsylvaniaSoutheastern LowlandsPhillyCobbs CreekQuarry 1 Strangelove>Junk DunkV2+Edit modeDr. StrangeloveV3+boulderingFA Jacob WerderitsCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart matched in a small pocket at the bottom right. Move left onto the arête with a flakey right jug. Move left past a mossy shelf to the second arête. Make a big move up to the rail along the protruding block. Traverse to the nose and topout.Take a moment to do your best Slim Pickens.The large shelf under the start and the wall to the right is off. The loose pointed block between the arêtes and the loose right side of the rail are also off.LocationGPS: 39.97743, -75.25811ProtectionPadsRoutes in Dr. Strangelove1Dr. StrangeloveV3+Bouldering 2Junk DunkV2+Bouldering